Tuesday 28 August 2012

One day, I went absolutely mental.

So. One day, I went absolutely mental.

The spark had happened that day when I was dragging my lawn bags to the curb. I had gotten about half way done when the garbage collector had come, and then left. I stormed into the house, and I completely went off the deep end - I was inconsolable for hours. It wasn't because the garbage collector happened to be a bit a head of schedule that day, but it was the boiling point resulting from having too much on my mind and too much on the go. I had lost myself.

Who was I?

I was an accomplished and driven young professional with a degree in mathematics; but, I felt unsteady with the career I had chosen . I had purchased a house with a fixer-upper yard, which seemed to become more chaotic faster than I could keep up with it. I had a morgage and too many bills, a car in dire need of repairs, a wedding requiring some planning, and a lovely finace in school.

I felt I was failing. I had no direction, no sense of who I was or what I wanted to accomplish with my life, and no real outlet to how I was feeling.

I started sewing 8 months ago in the little free time I had. I enjoy picking out fabrics, experimenting with new techniques and designs. It has all been quite tharapeutic and I have been crazy-free since I have started (I have even enrolled in design and decor classes).

My intentions for this blog is to share my random projects; my inspiration, what worked or didn't work, and my overall thoughts of past, on going and upcoming projects.


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